Our summer picnic will be held on the16th June 2018 (Saturday) from 10:00 am onwards in Luisen Park, Mannheim. More details will be provided soon from executive committee.
Luisen Park in Mannheim: https://www.luisenpark.de/

Dear Gujarati friends and family,

Summer is approaching and so is the date for our annual picnic nearing now!Thank you for your active participation in the Doodle Poll in selecting our picnic venue for 2018.

Majority of you have voted for: 1. Luisen Park in Mannheim: Herzlich Willkommen im Luisenpark! | Luisenpark

Herzlich Willkommen im Luisenpark!

Der Luisenpark Mannheim hat an 365 Tagen im Jahr viel zu bieten und nicht umsonst zieht es jährlich rund 1,2 Mil…

Please note some details about the day :

Venue                                 : Luisenpark , Mannheim

Address                               : Theodor-Heuss-Anlage 2 , 68165 Mannheim

Meeting time                      : 10:00 – 10:30 am

Meeting point                      :  At the ticket counter


The entry fees is as defined on the official site of the park :Eintrittspreise | Luisenpark

Das Wichtigste zuerst… Die neue Jahreskarte ist da – und sie ist günstiger! Haben Sie schonmal über eine Ja…

How to reach and where to park  :Anfahrt & Parken | Luisenpark :So kommen Sie zu uns Mit der Bahn: Fahrt zum Mannheimer Hauptbahnhof. Vom Hauptbahnhof aus erreichen Sie de…

Please bring in your home cooked delicacies/food as usual. Gujarati Samaj will organize the soft drinks, water, disposable paper plates, cups etc for the day. In order to serve you better; we request you to kindly send us per return email the number of the participant for the picnic from each family so that we organize the consumables accordingly.

Please send us your confirmation on or before 31st May 2018:Gujaratisamajgermany@yahoo.de

In case you have any further questions, please also drop in an email and we will get back to you. Please also forward this invite to Gujarati friends and family.Look forward to seeing you all on the 16th June 2018 at Luisenpark, Mannheim.

Best regards,

Gujarati Samaj Germany e.V